It is the aim of TJM Cars Ltd t/a Discover Car Leasing to provide a very high standard of service to every client. It is important to us that all complaints are resolved as quickly as possible and to the complete satisfaction of our clients.
This procedure explains how we will deal with any complaints. It also tells you what you can do if you think your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service then we would like to hear from you. You can contact us by telephone, email or in writing and your complaint will be resolved in the shortest possible time by the appropriate person.
To register a complaint contact us by:
- 01480 598 966
To help us to investigate and resolve your concerns as quickly as possible please provide the following information:
- Your full name and contact information
- Full details of your complaint
- Your lease agreement details
- Details of what you would like us to do to put things right
- Photocopies of any relevant paperwork
We will try to resolve your complaint immediately; however, sometimes, this may not be possible. In the unlikely event that we are not able to resolve your complaint by the end of the next business day, we will keep you informed of the progress of our investigations and provide our final response in writing with details of our findings any actions undertaken.
Complaints that can be settled to your satisfaction within 3 business days can be recorded and communicated differently. Where we consider a complaint to be resolved to your satisfaction under this section, we will promptly send you a Summary Resolution Communication, being a written communication from us which:
- Refers to the fact you have made a complaint and informs you that we now consider the complaint to have resolved to your satisfaction
- We will tell you that is you subsequently decide you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the complain you may be able to refer the complaint back to us for further consideration or alternatively refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service
- Indicates if we consent to waive the relevant time limits (where we have discretion in such matters)
- Provide the relevant address for the Financial Ombudsman Service and BVRLA Conciliation Service
- Refer to the availability of further information on the website of the Financial Ombudsman Service and the BVRLA Conciliation Service
If you have a regulated contract with us and are not satisfied with our final response you are eligible to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must do this within six months of our final response. When we send you our final response we will also provide you with a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s explanatory leaflet (for more information please see
Unresolved disputes may be referred to the BVRLA by either the customer or the member involved.
Details should be submitted online at BVRLA - Making a complaint (ADR)
If you not have access to the internet, details can be sent by post to:
- British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association River Lodge, Badminton Court Amersham, HP7 0DD
The BVRLA will aim to resolve the matter using the information presented by both parties to the dispute. Any information requested from the member should be sent to the BVRLA within five working days. Based on the information available, the BVRLA will provide both parties with its findings and recommendations.
The BVRLA aims to resolve complaints through the Dispute Resolution Service within 30 days.
If you have any questions in relation to our Complaints Handling Procedure, please contact us by telephone, email or in writing
- 01480 598 966